Thursday, February 28, 2013


A long time ago, I was still living at home, going to high school, when we were flipping the channels one day, and to our surprise, we were getting HBO. We hadn’t asked for it, and it wasn’t showing up on the bill, so we sure as hell wasn’t going to complain about it. We [...]


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

George Noory’s Pizza Roll Story

If you missed out when it originally aired, well, here it is, in an animated format. How this man has stayed alive this long, let alone stayed on the radio, I’ll never know.


The end of immortality

They keep talking about remaking The Highlander ever since Summit Entertainment bought the rights in 2008, and if they want to make one, they had better get started, because immortal characters hiding among us mortals is soon to be a thing of the past. Think about it, in order to stay hidden, an immortal character [...]


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The forging of Finn’s sword

Of all the replica swords out there, this is one that I would purchase. Just look at it, it’s freaking perfect. I don’t care how much he’d charge for it, I want one. Watching this also brings back some memories. One day, about ten years ago, a group of friends of mine decided that we [...]


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Israeli sniper gets in trouble for Instagram photo

Recently, an Israeli soldier uploaded this picture, depicting what appears to be a Palestinian boy in the cross hairs of his rifle, to Instagram. A shitstorm ensued as people flipped out about it. A spokesperson for the Israel Defense Force (IDF) said that Ostrovski’s actions “are not in accordance with the spirit of the IDF [...]


Joe Biden doesn’t understand firearms

According to Joe Biden, if someone breaks into your house, your best option is to grab a double barreled shotgun, stand on your balcony, and fire off both barrels. This is supposed to scare the intruders away. It’s this statement that assures me that Biden knows absolutely nothing about firearms or firearm safety. Let’s break [...]


Monday, February 18, 2013

The Wii U isn’t doing that good

Nintendo has made it their business to get everybody on the planet Earth to own a Wii. They’ve done this by doing a couple of things. First, they made the system relatively cheap. When the last generation of consols came out, they were generally $100 less than any other system. They also had the draw [...]


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Boobs and Auto-Tune do not make good music…

I have no idea who Courtney Stodden is outside of the fact that she tends to wear bikinis, and then people take pictures of her, and those pictures show up on the different blogs I follow. She appears to just be famous for having boobs. It would appear she is trying to spin having boobs [...]
